In what looks like a continuing series of releases from Cecil Alexander & Chad LB’s Jazz Video Lessons, we have the third PDF package, this time covering ideas on static harmony.
You can read my previous reviews in this series featuring Cecil Alexander here:
Book Review: 50 ii-V-I Licks by Cecil Alexander
Book Review: 20 Bebop Etudes by Cecil Alexander
In this new release, the exercises are divided into three categories:
- Linear Exercises
- Intervallic Exercises
- Chromatic Exercises
This is quite an interesting way to look at how to build lines. Liner being more scalar (and diatonic), intervallic referring to having more 4th and 5th intervals in the lines & chromatic being essentially more bebop sounding with extensive use of enclosures thoughout the exercise.
Each of the exercises are a page long at 16 to 17 bars of soloing each. All the examples are beautifully notated and include both standard notation & tablature.
Most of the lines are 8th note based although there are some triplets and more syncopated phrases as well.
To be honest, I would really love if these PDF Packages actually included videos of Cecil explaining the lines and the concepts. At the moment, the tutorial video is basically a promotional video for the PDF packages. That is cool, because we get to hear Cecil’s thought process… however it’s not part of what you actually buy.
All in all, if you dig Cecil’s melodic language, this is a cool resource for practice & etudes. It’s helpful that we get videos of Cecil performing these in one key. The accompanying backing tracks, video & audio version of the lines are helpful to get more of a feel for how Cecil is phrasing these ideas.
Pros: Good lines, examples are long enough to get more of a feel for how Cecil improvises instead of just getting 2 to 4 bar licks in typical lick collections.
Cons: No tutorials, analysis or talk about the concepts behind the lines.
TLDR: For fans of Cecil’s playing, this PDF package might be useful for you to get more ideas to improvise in static harmony settings.
You can get this at: https://www.jazzlessonvideos.com/product-page/30-exercises-on-static-harmony
Also… if you enjoyed this review and want to read my past reviews, do check out my review of the 50 ii-V-I Licks by Cecil Alexander & 20 Bebop Etudes by Cecil Alexander book, his excellent Picking Masterclass and reviews on his musical exercises (Pentatonic Licks (Static Harmony) & Pentatonic Licks (II-V-I) by Cecil Alexander and Assorted Licks & Minor II-V Lines by Cecil Alexander.
[Submissions for Review Consideration]
- Are you an author who wrote a jazz, guitar or music book?
- Have you created a DVD or an online video course or subscription based website?
- Would you like me to review your book/course?
Please send me a message at azsamad3 at gmail.com with:
For courses: a link to the course/video/product + access info etc.
For books: a link to the book (Dropbox) or PDF attachment (if it’s small) for review consideration.
Depending on whether I dig the book/course, I’ll let you know if I do plan to review it!
I cannot guarantee a review for every submission & if I’m not too into it, I may opt not to review it. I mean, it’s better to get a good review that for me to write a bad review just because it’s not a match for the kind of stuff I dig right? :p
NOTE: All reviews reflect my honest personal opinion so be aware that I will point out both cool Pros and Cons that I see in the work. You dig?