Hello awak!
Firstly, post ni ada banyak info & banyak link. I suggest you read this post properly kalau tak you might miss some important links & info.
Bagaimana 2023 anda?
Biasanya saya cuba buat roundup untuk tengok apa yang berlaku sepanjang tahun, apa yang berjaya, apa yang gagal & apa saya belajar dari tahun lepas. Tahun ni dah nak hampir habis Januari saya tak siap tulis post ni… antaranya sebab saya tak sempat kumpulkan semua info apa yang berlaku tahun lepas… tapi saya bangun tidur tadi rasa resah tak tulis ni lagi, jadi saya tulis sekarang.
Pada 2023, ini antara yang berlaku:
Kelab Gitar Az Samad
Kelab masih berjalan tapi tahun ini saya kurang aktif promosi kelab dan ahli kelab kini turun kepada 6 orang ahli daripada 13 ahli pada awal 2023. Saya juga semakin aktif dengan acara “in-person” yang membuat saya memberi pilihan kepada ahli kelab untuk mendapatkan kursus video sedia ada (untuk lengkapkan koleksi mereka), kerana ada bulan yang saya tak hasilkan kursus video baru.
Tahun ini bagaimana pula? Saya tak pasti apa format Kelab Gitar akan jadi tahun ini, atau samada saya akan teruskan ini lagi kerana komitmen masa. Tapi, ini satu yang saya akan fikirkan.
Kursus Video & Produk
Kursus Video pada 2023 hanya 16 berbanding 35 pada 2022. Walaubagaimanapun, saya gembira kerana sempat membuat kursus Gitar Rock Kapak 1, 2 & 3. Ini antara kursus video yang membantu saya lebih faham mengenai genre penting ini. Saya juga kumpulkan ketiga-tiga ini dalam satu bundle di sini.
Selain itu, pengembaraan saya dalam mengkaji Instagram nampaknya beralih kepada dunia TikTok kerana saya mula gunakan TikTok setelah hadir acara Inspirasi Seni anjuran MACP. Tapi tu belum jadi produk lagi kerana saya masih baru dalam TikTok.
- Warna-Warna Scales Gitar 1
- Proses Mencipta Lagu
- Warna-Warna Scales Gitar 2: Dunia Dorian
- Jom Belajar Gitar Jazz 3: Dunia Jazz Tiga Key
- Asas Gitar Blues 2
- Asas Gitar Blues 3
- Gitar Rock Kapak 1
- Gitar Rock Kapak 2
- Gitar Rock Kapak 3
- Jom Belajar Gitar Jazz 4: Dunia Arpeggio Jazz
- Jom Belajar Gitar Jazz 5: Dunia Arpeggio Jazz Outside
- Qactus Space Workshop Handouts
- Intentional Instagram Videos: July 2023 Case Study
- The Birthday EP (2013)
- Melodic Playing for Different Genres – Guitar Clinic Notes
- Major Scales Bundle
Coaching Kerjaya Muzik
Coaching Kerjaya Muzik cuma ada 8 sesi daripada 12 – jadi saya masih perlu ganti 4 lagi sesi bersama Ruvi, Luques dan Adlan pada 2024 nanti.
Akan tetapi tahun lepas ada 20 Sesi Mastermind melalui Zoom (maksudnya ada 8 sesi bonus, selain daripada 12 sesi yang dijanjikan dalam program ini).
- CKM28 – Rate Cards
- CKM29 -Landing Pages and Pricing
- CKM30 – Business Plans and Session Work
- CKM31 – Top 5% in Music
- CKM32 – AI
- CKM33 – ???
- CKM34 – Reels Content Social Media Produk Ruvi
- CKM35 – TikTok
- Hadir press screening filem dokumentari PEKIK (saya hasilkan tulisan: Ulasan Filem: PEKIK – Sebuah Produksi Stereo Pixels)
- Event Review: Laney Presents Lari Basilio Asia Clinic Tour at Bentley Music Auditorium, Mutiara Damansara, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
- 10 Things I Learned From the Ichika Nito Guitar Clinic at Bentley Music Auditorium, Mutiara Damansara, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
- Unveiling the “Secret Sauce” in Music Arrangement: My Experience at Mac Chew’s Clinic
- Hadir konsert Syair Timur Ramli Sarip di Dewan Filharmonik Petronas
- Inspirasi Seni anjuran MACP
Saya juga hadir banyak konsert dan gig antaranya:
- TVS Ilham After Dark show at Ilham Gallery
- Dream Theater di Zepp
- Mr Big di Zepp
- Steve Vai di Zepp
- Yuna
- Konsert gitar klasikal (Berta Rojas, Thu Le)
Juga saya pergi Jam Session with Michael Veerapen di Simply Jazz dan bengkel gitar Rizal Tony (serta cuba gitar Eastman dia: Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4 – jawab soalan)
Hadir masterclass abang Zahid Ahmad, klinik gitar Alex Hutchings di Aswara, New Generation Entertainment Talk di UCSI dan banyak lagi… (mungkin saya update post ni kalau rajin lol)
Saya juga mengajar & bercakap di bengkel & diskusi panel (mungkin saya update nanti). Tapi ni satu:
Panel discussion “The Reading Musician” at at Institute of Music, UCSI University – The Hidden Magic of Books for Musicians
Siri Video Instagram Reels
Tahun lepas saya cuba buat tiga siri secara kolaborasi dengan Ruviyamin & Luques (ahli program Coaching Kerjaya Muzik). Masing-masing kami rakam 4 episod ketika bertemu di gig The Venopian Solitude di Ilham Gallery. Selepas itu saya susuli dengan 4 lagi episod bersama Ruvi ketika berjumpa di studio Ruvi.
Teaser Trailer untuk Groovi Bersama Ruvi & Luques Tech Tips
Groovi Bersama Ruvi
EP01: Tiga Tip Penting Untuk Soundcheck
EP02: Apa benda yang penting mindset as a performing musician?
EP03: Kesilapan pemuzik semasa show (dan cara elak)
EP04: Apa kita buat lepas show?
EP05: Satu request pelik?
EP06: “Tetamu” semasa touring?
EP07: Nasib baik ada backup
EP08: “Culture” menarik
Luques Tech Tips
EP01: What’s the most important part of doing your work as a guitar tech?
EP02: What is an unexpected thing that has happened to you?
EP03: Why should someone invest and hire a guitar tech?
EP04: How do you become a guitar tech?
Hasil daripada format dua siri ini, saya sempat rakam video dengan Ezanee yang balik dari Tokyo. Ini menghasilkan 8 episode siri Riffing with Ezanee. Sebenarnya ada footage lain, tapi ini yang sempat saya edit.
Riffing with Ezanee
EP01: Airborne
EP02: All Over Again
EP03: Gallop Picking
EP04: How they practice fast tempo metal riffs in Japan
EP05: Japanese Speed Picking Secrets??
EP06: Japanese Speed Picking Secrets 2?
EP07: Downpicking & Rhythm Tips
EP08: Gallop Picking Revisited
Siri Video Tiga Tips/Three Tips
Ini projek baru tahun lepas. Boleh dikatakan ini hasil belajar daripada membuat siri dengan Ruviyamin dan Luques. Pada mulanya saya buat secara impromptu dengan Nazrin dan Afiq PB ketika kami bertemu… tapi kemudiannnya siri ini menjadi format lebih formal.
Yang paling best saya dapat temubual tokoh seperti Dato’ M. Nasir, abang Man Keedal, Ms. Irene Savaree, Ad Samad dan abang Zahid Ahmad. Syukur!
Ramai saya temubual ringkas dalam siri ini. Ini video setakat ini:
- Nazrin
- Afiq PB
- Sid Menon
- Leaism
- Emeirul Ashraf
- Steff Fleur
- Farouk Kamil
- Man Keedal
- Muzza
- Doc Bode
- Zailan Razak
- Ferhad
- Dan Razak
- Sharon Paul
- Dato’ M. Nasir
- Ritz Metalasia
- Eff Hakim
- Asyilah Tan
- Fly Halizor
- Ad Samad
- Ms. Irene Savaree
- Arthur Kam
- Mooky (One Buck Short)
- Zahid Ahmad
Ini pun banyak yang saya belum edit lagi! InsyaAllah saya akan siapkan secara berperingkat.
Itu tak masuk cerita projek dengan klien pertama saya untuk Instagram Reels, Tay Cher Siang selama 12 episod.
Siri ini terhasil dari rakaman video acara “Unlock Your Pathway to Success in Music Profession” di Tutti Commune pada 19 Julai 023. Video ini kemudiannya terbit di Instagram setiap minggu dari 9 Ogos 2023 sehingga 28 Oktober 2023.
EP01: What Does Success Mean For a Musician
EP02: What Does Opportunity Mean For A Musician?
EP03: New York City vs. Kuala Lumpur: What are the differences in the jazz scene?
EP04: Networking 101 For Jazz Musicians
EP05: How I Find Balance in My Career As a Musician
EP06: How I Became a Composer For Musicals: My True Story!
EP07: How Do I Thrive (and Not Just Survive) in the Music Scene?
EP08: Your Parents & Your Music Career! How Do You Handle Their Reaction?
EP09: How Having a Thick Face Gave Me More Opportunities!
EP10: How I Gained Self-Respect as a Musician
EP11: What is Lacking in Our Music Ecosystem
EP12: How to Overcome the Fear of Failing
Tahun lepas menarik kerana jenis persembahan yang saya terlibat daripada konsert orkestra, persembahan di festival dan juga persembahan R&B dengan artis Ferhad di Bobo KL.
- Konsert orkestra “Disney in Concert” di Plenary Hall, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre [Instagram]
- Klang River Festival bersama WVC Jazz Ensemble
- Persembahan istimewa kolaborasi di Kuching, Sarawak – All That Jazz sempena festival “What About Kuching”
- Ferhad Bobo KL show (3 nights)
Beberapa video persembahan:
Malam Bulan Dipagar Bintang – WVC Jazz Ensemble feat. Az Samad
Gentle Hearts – WVC Jazz Ensemble feat. Az Samad
Train To Ericland | Az Samad | What About Kuching Festival 2023
Gentle Hearts | Ezra Alfandy Quintet Rhythm Section feat. Az Samad -What About Kuching Festival 2023
Dari segi kajian, ini antara yang saya rakam setelah mengkaji muzik, buku, kursus dan video:
Ada 4 Ulasan Muzik (berbanding 8 pada 2022) …
- Music Review: Duo Norte Sul by Matthias Bublath and Michi Ruzitschka
- Ulasan Muzik: Sedih Hati by Malique
- Music Review: Call Me Home EP by Call Me Home
- Music Review: V2. Yes! by Javier Rosario Trio
… dan 83 Ulasan Buku, Kursus dan Video (berbanding 62 pada 2022):
- Book Review: Long Arpeggio Studies by Bill Farrish
- Book Review: My Story of Heart Disease and Music by Barry Greene
- Review Buku: Formula Influencer Marketing dari DJ Fuzz & Amiera Syuhada
- Membership Site Review: Bill Farrish Guitar School by Bill Farrish
- Book Review: Solo Chords by Roger Hutchinson
- Book Review: Advertising For Profits by William L. Doremus
- Book Review: Effortless Guitar by Adrian Farrell, MSTAT
- Video Review: Jimmy Bruno Online School by Jimmy Bruno
- Course Review: Alternate Picking Mastery by Polychuck Academy
- Lesson Review: Right Hand Exercise Packet by Jake Workman
- Book Review: Fretboard Essentials Book 1 by Bill Farrish
- Book Review: Arpeggio Handbook for Blues Guitar by Corey Congilio
- Book Review: Talk Jazz Guitar by Roni Ben-Hur
- Book Review: Creative Scale Dimensions by Tim May
- Book Review: The Serious Jazz Practice Book by Barry Finnerty
- Course Review: The Definitive Gambale Sweep Picking Course by Frank Gambale
- Book Review: Gateway to Guitar Improvisation by Tony DeCaprio
- Book Review: Twelve and a Half by Gary Vaynerchuk
- Book Review: Craftsman Creative: How Five-Figure Creators Can Build Six-Figure Businesses by Daren Smith
- Book Review: Modern Rock Guitar Soloing by Martin Miller
- Video Review: Jazz Guitar Workshop by Carol Kaye
- Book Review: Jazz Guitar CD & Guide w/NEW Diagrammed Standards/Jazz Chords by Carol Kaye
- Book Review: The Guitar: Phase 1 by William Leavitt
- Book Review: The Guitar: Phase 2 by William Leavitt
- Book Review: Fretboard Essentials Book 3: Comping Studies (Applied Voicings) by Bill Farrish
- Book Review: Guitar Sightreading Studies by Carol Kaye
- Book Review: Monster Picking Technique Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 by Shane Theriot
- Book Review: Guitar Hanon – 50 Essential Exercises by Peter Denoff
- Book Review: Jazz Guitar Portfolio by Warren Nunes
- Book Review: On Recording – A Manifesto by Chris Schlarb
- Book Review: Style & Craft – The Alchemy of Unique Style by Howard M. Roberts and Garry Hagberg
- Book Review: Jazz Guitar Comp Chords by Warren Nunes
- Book Review: Jazz Guitar Fretboard Navigation: From Bach to Bebop by Mark White
- Book Review: Welcome to Harmonyville 01625 by Jon Damian
- Book Review: Aids to Technique and Guitar Interpretations by Johnny Smith
- Book Review: The Accelerator – The Theory-Fingerboard Connection by Howard Roberts with Charles Fechter and Keith Wyatt
- Book Review: Jazz Guitar Technique by Andrew Green
- Book Review: Jazz Guitar Structures by Andrew Green
- Book Review: How To Warm Up: 20 Practical Concepts for the Contemporary Guitarist by Ben Eunson
- Book Review: The Art of Picking by Jimmy Bruno
- Ulasan Filem: PEKIK – Sebuah Produksi Stereo Pixels
- Book Review: The George Benson Method Pocket Book Vol.1 – Major II, V, I Ultimate Lines by George Benson & Peter Farrell
- Book Review: In the Mystery: A Deconstruction of the Harmony, Melody, Compositions and Improvisations of Allan Holdsworth by Brett Stine
- Musical Exercises Review: Bebop II-V Phrases, All The Things You Are Etude, Solar Etude (Melodic Minor Modes) and Green Dolphin Street Solo Arrangement by Cecil Alexander
- Ulasan Video: Guitar Jamming Samad Lefthanded Vol. 1, Vol. 2 & Vol. 3 oleh Samad Lefthanded
- Video Review: Jazz Notes by Mike Stern (Guitar Webinars)
- Film Review: INSIDE SCOFIELD – a film about master musician John Scofield from Jörg Steineck
- Licks Package: 10 Advanced II V I Licks by Cecil Alexander
- Licks Package: 10 Must-Know Bebop Licks by Cecil Alexander
- Book & Video Review: Looking Glass – A comprehensive study of Allan Holdsworth’s improvisational ideas, patterns, scales, charts & tunings by John Vullo
- Book Review: Mastering the Dominant Pentatonic Sound over a Blues by Steve Neff
- Book Review: The Practice Notebooks of Michael Brecker by Michael Brecker
- Book Review: 56 Hip Licks by Cecil Alexander
- Video Review: Playing the Blues and Playing the Changes By Randy Johnston
- Video Review: Mastering Fast Moving Changes: Techniques for Soloing on ‘Confirmation’ by Randy Johnston
- Book Review: Outside Sounds and Substitutions for Modern Jazz Guitar by Kevin Miller
- Course Review: The Jazz Guitar Course by Eleonora Strino
- Book Review: The Double-Symmetrical Augmented Scale for Jazz Improvisation by Xabier Oró
- Video Review: Rhythmic Phrasing Masterclass by Dani Rabin (JTC Guitar)
- Book Review: Becoming Flawesome by Kristina Mand-Lakhiani
- Book Review: The Wealthy Consultant Confessions of a 9-Figure Advisor By Taylor Welch
- Book Review: So Good They Call You a Fake by Joshua Lisec
- Book Review: 150 Neo-Soul Guitar Licks by Bence Bécsy
- Video Review: The Backward Picking Technique Vol 1 & 2 by Bradley J Green
- Book Review: The Royal Road – The Japanese “Hit-Making” Chord Progression by Joshua Taipale
- Book Review: Scale Connection by Dave Eastlee
- Video Review: The Storytelling Licks by Mateus Asato
- Book Review: Jazz Guitar Fretboard Visualization by Denis Chang
- Book Review: How I Learned Vol. 1 By Gonzalo Bergara
- Book Review: How I Learned Vol. 2 By Gonzalo Bergara
- Book Review: Van Hemert System Volume 2 by Christiaan Van Hemert
- Book Review: A Study of the Many Shades of the Blues by Mickey Baker
- Book Review: String Theories: Tips, Challenges, and Reflections for the Lifelong Guitarist by Adam Levy and Ethan Sherman
- Book Review: Guitar Ad Lib by James Bryer
- Book Review: Guitar Forms by James Bryer
- Book Review: The Unfair Advantage by Ash Ali & Hasan Kubba
- Book Review: The Death of The Artist by William Deresiewicz
- Video Review: Being the Band by Christopher Woitach
- Video Review: C Minor Blues – Solo and Techniques by Randy Johnston
- Book Review: Sell What’s In Your Head by Jacob Schmelzer
- Book Review: Ralph Towner – Improvisation and Performance Techniques for Classical and Acoustic Guitar by Ralph Towner
- Book Review: Contemporary Latin Jazz Guitar Volume 1 by Neff Irizarry II
- Course Review: Harmonic Freedom by Dan Wilson
Malaysian Musicians on Clubhouse

Dalam perihal sesi Malaysian Musicians on Clubhouse bersama rakan saya Altimet, tahun 2023 meyaksikan 39 Sesi Malaysian Musicians on Clubhouse. Tapi tahun lepas, saya hosting secara solo kerana Altimet sibuk dalam perihal dunia politik. Akan tetapi, kawan saya Ezanee Ziad antara yang paling konsisten berbual dalam Clubhouse dengan saya.
Semua sesi 2023 itu dirakam dan anda boleh dengar siaran ulangan di sini melalui aplikasi Clubhouse:
Media Sosial
Bercerita tentang media sosial, ini data berbanding tahun 2022. (Data saya ambil pada hari ini – Jan 31, 2024, jadi dia lebih macam setahun sebulan begitu)
- Facebook: 68K followers (+6K from 2022)
- YouTube:17.5K subscribers (+1.3k from 2022)
- Instagram: 16K followers (+3.2K from 2022)
- Twitter: 11.6K Followers (+400 from 2021)
- TikTok: 11.8K Followers (+10,699 from 2022)
- Twitch: 24 followers (sama seperti 2022)
- Clubhouse: 468 friends (dulu 2.9K followers kerana format Clubhouse telah berubah)
Platform lain…
1) Discord Muzik: 3 members (masih hanya untuk ahli program Coaching Kerjaya Muzik)

2) Surat Muzik: 3,012 subscribers (+205 dari 2022)

3) Telegram Muzik: 245 subscribers (-5 dari 2022)

Ada lagi yang mungkin saya akan kongsi dalam Surat Muzik akan datang… tapi ini antara yang saya renung kembali sempena tahun baru ini.
Apa rancangan saya untuk 2024?
Setakat ini saya masih mendalami data daripada roundup ini. Tengoklah dulu.
Barangkali yang paling mungkin adalah terus aktif di TikTok dan mungkin buat lebih banyak bengkel gitar secara in-person.
Baca post tahun-tahun lepas:
Surat Muzik #1099: Analisa 2022 + Rancang 2023
Surat Muzik #729: Analisa 2021 + Rancang 2022