I first encountered Daniel Weiss from his “51 Galactic Jazz Licks” online course that I reviewed last year on this site.
Since then, I’ve been following his work with a lot of interest. Daniel’s been developing his online courses, a Zoom guitar group, 1-on-1 online coaching, levelling up his YouTube video content (with great lighting and video quality) as well as keeping an active presence on social media.
In the midst of all this, he has a new album coming up too.
Henceforth, this new single K4Y is an introduction of things to come.
The single was released on October 16, 2020 and has been getting views on the YouTube video & listens on streaming platforms. In addition to the track itself, Daniel also has a Limited Edition bundle with the WAV file, MP3 file, transcription & play along included.
Now let’s talk about the actual track.
The driving melodic lines that open the track burst in like 70s fusion never left. Then it leads into a odd meter phrase that gradually builds into rhythmic release with the groove coming in. There’s a lot of melody in this whole head before Daniel takes the first solo.
His overdriven tone & confident playing drives the track further on. For guitar geeks, yes you have a lot of transcription worthy lines here. The interaction is strong and the drums really push the energy. As Daniel ends his solo, Yaniv Taubenshouse takes a piano solo. I love how Yaniv opens the his solo with the rhythmic single note phrase – good stuff! Daniel changes his guitar tone to accompany in a more textural manner.
The next section brings it down with longer phrases and fills on the drums by Yogev Gabay. A more hypnotic feel takes over here. (And by the way – Iggy Jackson-Cohen’s bass playing is solid and tasteful throughout.)
As we listen, we hear more and more as it develops into a full drum solo. Daniel eventually starts strumming heavier and heavier to help build before a new melodic section comes in. And we’re back into the theme.
All in all, this is a solid 8 minute 29 second fusion jazz track with respect to the tradition and youthful energy from the ensemble’s strong playing. Personally this brought me back to late 1999 and the early 2000s when I first started listening to this style of music. It’s a nice feeling.
At the moment, it’s hard to gauge what Daniel has up his sleeve next. But, I gotta say I’m looking forward to see how the next single (and the album) will be like.
TLDR: If you’re into fusion jazz guitar type of songs, do check out Daniel’s latest single.
Rating: 4/5
Check out the single via this nifty all in one link: danielweiss.fanlink.to/NEWSINGLE
You can get the Full Album here: https://WeissGuitar.Com/Dive
The full album, DIVE is also available on Bandcamp here: http://danielweiss.bandcamp.com/
“K4Y” Credits:
Produced by Daniel Weiss
Composed by both: Daniel Weiss and Yaniv Taubenhouse
Guitars – Daniel Weiss
Piano/synthesizer – Yaniv Taubenshouse
Drums – Yogev Gabay
Bass – Iggy Jackson-Cohen
Recorded, Engineered by Jonathan Barak
Mixed and Mastered by Yan Perchuk California – U.S.A ”
Filmed by: Or Paz Artwork By: Chris Moschler
Special Thanks To: Weiss Family, Taubenhouse Family, Kobi Farhi and Mitzlol Studios, Hush Paz, Barak Radunsky, Amir Mizrahi.
[About Daniel]

Daniel Weiss came into international awareness for the first time as a finalist for ‘Guitar Idol 2016’. His exceptional abilities and unique style led Weiss to be a highly sought-after musician with a rich international career as a guitarist, composer and arranger.
Despite his young age, Daniel Weiss, a Berklee College of Music graduate, released a long list of musical projects, with the most notable of his projects being his co-lead “Square to Check” ,an all original Progressive Rock band, which was met with huge critical acclaim.
His compositions and arrangements have been performed by international artists as well as symphonic orchestras in Israel.
Weiss was featured in Lick Library, Premier Guitar, Guitar Idol, Normans Rare Guitars, and Bass the World to name just a few.
Weiss has always aspired to serve as a guide and inspiration for other musicians, happy to share his skills, talents and experience. His international teaching career spanning over a decade in his Tel Aviv studio and online has led him to create unique digital courses spanning various subjects and for different levels from the novice to the advanced jazz musician.
These days Daniel is putting the finishing touches on his new album due to be released very soon and on a number of digital courses that will be exclusively available here on this site. His much anticipated ‘8 weeks Galactic Zoom Group‘ will soon open for registration. All this while keeping a busy schedule as a professional guitarist.
Daniel deserves every word of this accolade. He is one of the most modest, self-effacing, yet infinitely generous and supportive, yet truly great, and hugely creative musical talents around. If you like the music on his new album, you should also check out his previous productions with the super neo-prog power trio, ‘Square to Check’…