With the fourth volume of Hristo Vitchev’s Chromatic Methenyisms, he explores Pat’s approach to pentatonics. There are 8 of these Pentatonic Methenyisms that he explores and it takes 40 minutes of the video tutorial to explain these & 33 pages of material in the book.
My first impression is that these are not the pentatonics I’m used to.
Yes, they are the same two note minor pentatonic fingerings that you might have played… but with the chromatic approaches that embellishes these lines, it really explains a lot of why Metheny sounds the way he does. Much of it is in how the phrases switch positions (smoothly) and how the chromatic phrases connect us between positions and string sets.
The video tutorial this time is even better than before with the bright big number on the left hand corner of the video so you know where in the video you are. Hristo began numbering them in Volume 2, but these time it’s even easier to skip from phrase to phrase because it’s just easier to see it.
The phrases themselves sound great and it’s nice to see (and hear) Hristo break down each of them from the left hand fingering, the position, the articulation and also see him show the phrase tranposed to the different string sets and positions.
From all the books in this series, this fourth volume is the most challenging one I’ve encountered so far. This is hard stuff, though you might think it’s easy when you watch Hristo pull off the phrases (pun intended).
In conclusion, this volume is for two kinds of players:
One: anyone who loves the pentatonic based melodies you’ve heard Metheny played.
Two: anyone who wants to systematically explore the Metheny sound and you already have volume 1, 2 & 3… and you’re ready for more.
The book presents a serious workout with the stretches, legato demands and fluidity needed to make these lines sing. All I got to say is brace yourself. And if you’re ready, get this.
Pros: Really solid pentatonic lines with those signature Metheny chromatic embellishments.
Cons: Some of these lines are REALLY HARD. So be aware that this might really challenge your chops.
TLDR: A logical extension of the previous three books, I recommend getting this once you’ve gotten the first three books. I strongly believe that the books work best in sequence because Hristo combines the “Methenyisms” as we get to the later volumes.
How to Buy:
You can get the book & video here: https://gum.co/FYCLQ
Thank you Hristo for the complimentary review copy.
And here are the links to all of Hristo’s related products in this series:
Hristo’s main website: http://www.modernjazzguitarbooks.com/
Get the Book (TAB and standard notation + HD Tutorial Video + Two backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/VXwiF
VOLUME 2: CHROMATIC METHENYISMS ii-V7-I Application (Chromatic Melodic Ornamentation in the Style of Pat Metheny)
Get the Book (TAB and standard notation + HD Tutorial Video + backing track) here: https://gum.co/KrzHB
Get the Book (TAB and standard notation + HD Tutorial Video + backing track) here: https://gum.co/cvTVd
VOLUME 4: CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Pentatonics Uncompromised)
Get the Book (TAB and standard notation + HD Tutorial Video + backing track) here: https://gum.co/FYCLQ
CHROMATUDE #1: (Solar) – Chromatic Methenyisms Technical Studies: melodic/chordal
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/GUesG
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Lines You’ve Heard #1) – Short Melodic Phrase Example (FREE DOWNLOAD)
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/IxGVV
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Lines You’ve Heard #2) – Short Melodic Phrase Example (James by P. Metheny)
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/LkMQd
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Lines You’ve Heard #3) – Short Melodic Phrase Example – Minor Blues in “D”
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/JAGZo
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Arpeggios ala Matini)
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/AKbvDa
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Arpeggios ala Matini) Volume 2
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/NkMyL
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Arpeggios ala Matini) 2516 Illustrations
FREE DOWNLOAD – Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/yppyt
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS – Wild Triad Quilts (3 Ornamentation Techniques)
Get the Study / Video Masterclass (TAB and standard notation + 30 mins. HD Video Masterclass + backing track) here: https://gum.co/lhcwx
DIATONIC METHENYISMS (Volume 1) – Diatonic Melodic Ornamentation in the Style of Pat Metheny – Video Masterclass
Get the Book / Video Masterclass (TAB and standard notation + backing tracks + HD Video Masterclass) here: https://gum.co/uhgkp
DIATONIC METHENYISMS (Methenycise #1 – C minor blues)
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/jmmtf
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NOTE: All reviews reflect my honest personal opinion so be aware that I will point out both cool Pros and Cons that I see in the work. You dig?