How do you make an arpeggio less of an arpeggio?
How do you play changes without sounding like a beginner jazz guitar student or standard II-V-I arpeggio player?
One of the common answers is some form or approach note embellishment, or bebop scales, or some kind of chromatic embellishment… but how do you avoid playing those standard textbook approach note patterns that you now find in every other “secret way to turn your scales into music” YouTube video?
Well, that’s where this release by Hristo Vitchev comes in.
See, Hristo doesn’t do what most jazz guitar educators do. He doesn’t rehash what you might have seen in instructional jazz books from the 70s until today… what he does is something beyond that.
In fact, Chromatic Methenyisms (Arpeggios ala Matini) is just one of his many releases that help the serious jazz guitarist to get out from cliches, expand their technique and just gain more fluency & confidence on their instrument.
Of course, fundamentals are important… but that is what you can get from the classic educational jazz books that have been around since the Aebersold playalong era.
What you get from Hristo are materials from the future that do not simplify or dumb down the technical demands of this music. You get some hardcore woodshedding material.
Chromatic Methenyisms (Arpeggios ala Matini) gives you 5 things:
- A 6 minute 16 second video (HD video) demonstrating every example in the PDF at full tempo and slowed down
- An 11-page eBook (PDF) with the examples written out in standard musical notation & tablature (with pick, slide, pull-off & hammer-on indications)
- Three backing tracks (wav files) for the three chord qualities covered in this release (Gmaj7, Gmin7, G7)
Now the question you might have is… is this worth it?
At US$20, this is not necessarily a big book of licks with a CD worth of examples that some might expect. However, what you get are examples that (in my opinion) unlike anything else you might be able to easily find from other jazz guitar educators.
The main thing you might want to ask yourself is, “are you ready to shed this stuff out?”
If the answer is yes & you like what you heard Hristo play in the trailer video, then get this now.
All in all, this is serious stuff for the serious shedding jazz guitarist!
Pros: Great sounding chromatic embellishments that make your arpeggios sounds unarpeggio-like and more like burning Metheny lines.
Cons: None.
TLDR: A good addition for a guitarist who has been working on Hristo’s previous Chromatic Methenyism material. Get this if you’re looking for additional ideas/phrases/shapes beyond Chromatic Methenyisms 1.
How to Buy:
You can get the book & video here: https://gum.co/AKbvDa
Thank you Hristo for the complimentary review copy.
And here are the links to all of Hristo’s related products in this series:
Hristo’s main website: http://www.modernjazzguitarbooks.com/
Get the Book (TAB and standard notation + HD Tutorial Video + Two backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/VXwiF
VOLUME 2: CHROMATIC METHENYISMS ii-V7-I Application (Chromatic Melodic Ornamentation in the Style of Pat Metheny)
Get the Book (TAB and standard notation + HD Tutorial Video + backing track) here: https://gum.co/KrzHB
Get the Book (TAB and standard notation + HD Tutorial Video + backing track) here: https://gum.co/cvTVd
VOLUME 4: CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Pentatonics Uncompromised)
Get the Book (TAB and standard notation + HD Tutorial Video + backing track) here: https://gum.co/FYCLQ
CHROMATUDE #1: (Solar) – Chromatic Methenyisms Technical Studies: melodic/chordal
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/GUesG
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Lines You’ve Heard #1) – Short Melodic Phrase Example (FREE DOWNLOAD)
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/IxGVV
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Lines You’ve Heard #2) – Short Melodic Phrase Example (James by P. Metheny)
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/LkMQd
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Lines You’ve Heard #3) – Short Melodic Phrase Example – Minor Blues in “D”
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/JAGZo
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Arpeggios ala Matini)
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/AKbvDa
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Arpeggios ala Matini) Volume 2
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/NkMyL
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Arpeggios ala Matini) 2516 Illustrations
FREE DOWNLOAD – Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/yppyt
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS – Wild Triad Quilts (3 Ornamentation Techniques)
Get the Study / Video Masterclass (TAB and standard notation + 30 mins. HD Video Masterclass + backing track) here: https://gum.co/lhcwx
DIATONIC METHENYISMS (Volume 1) – Diatonic Melodic Ornamentation in the Style of Pat Metheny – Video Masterclass
Get the Book / Video Masterclass (TAB and standard notation + backing tracks + HD Video Masterclass) here: https://gum.co/uhgkp
DIATONIC METHENYISMS (Methenycise #1 – C minor blues)
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/jmmtf
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- Are you an author who wrote a jazz, guitar or music book?
- Have you created a DVD or an online video course or subscription based website?
- Would you like me to review your book/course?
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For courses: a link to the course/video/product + access info etc.
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I cannot guarantee a review for every submission & if I’m not too into it, I may opt not to review it. I mean, it’s better to get a good review that for me to write a bad review just because it’s not a match for the kind of stuff I dig right? :p
NOTE: All reviews reflect my honest personal opinion so be aware that I will point out both cool Pros and Cons that I see in the work. You dig?