When I started learning fingerstyle guitar, there wasn’t that much learning material available. You could either learn classical guitar or try to learn from some fingerpicking books. Still, there was a lot left to be desired in terms of the methodology.
Over the years, I learned from many great players and teachers and came to my own blend to teach fingerstyle guitar technique. I also love checking out the different books and videos that are released to keep myself informed of how this topic is being taught.
With this book by Dan Thorpe, it is a good approach to introducing fingerstyle guitar. The first thing that caught my eye were the big fonts and big music notation, certainly larger than what I was used to in a print book. Then I noticed that the musical example were arranged out in a way that you could always read ALL the example in either a page or in two pages laid out open. How thoughtful!
The book also is written in a friendly and encouraging tone to help you learn the material. Dan is very positive and includes relevant examples and tips throughout the book.
In addition to the print book, you also get audio examples that help you digest the material. You can access this via a link included in the book. You can stream the examples or download them.
Essentially the book includes 10 fingerpicking patterns and teaches you how to play them. That might seem like not a lot, but when you hear these patterns you will start to realize how these patterns keep appearing and reappearing in different songs all the time. Also, many song use variations of these patterns. Dan also gives each pattern nicknames so that it’s easier to remember them.
As you learn these patterns, you can start using them in familiar songs or even learn songs that you like (that you might have heard these patterns). Respecting copyright, Dan has basically formatted the book to teach these important patterns but not actually have full song examples included. For those, you will need to buy transcriptions or if you’re adventurous, learn them by ear. Think of this book as a coach with your fitness routine in a book format. After you work on this, you can find songs and learn to play them.
In conclusion, I wish I had this book when I started out. It would helped save me some time learning these patterns… and to be honest I did end up learning these patterns via immersing myself in the music I love over the years. Still, having them laid out like this I’m sure will help many aspiring fingerstyle players. How lucky are you!
Check it out if you’re new to fingerstyle guitar. It might just be what you’re looking for.
Pros: A good systematic book for beginners to fingerstyle guitar playing.
Cons: None.
TLDR: If you’re an adult beginner to learning fingerstyle guitar, this might be a good book to help you develop your skills in bitesize lessons.
Thanks Dan for contacting me and for sending me a copy of this book for review.
Get your copy of the book directly from Dan Thorpe here: https://fingerstyle101.com/
Check out my other book, video & course reviews here:
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NOTE: All reviews reflect my honest personal opinion so be aware that I will point out both cool Pros and Cons that I see in the work. You dig?