I’ve reviewed numerous PDF packages from Chad LB over years. That being said, everything I reviewed were releases from guitar players like Cecil Alexander & Ben Eunson.
This time around, I decided to share my thoughts on a release from Chad LB himself.
The format is the same as the other PDF packages.
You basically get a PDF file (I would still call it an eBook) with links to the Phrases Recordings with Backing Tracks. The recordings are in C concert and the backing tracks are in all keys.
The cool thing about this release are that these phrases are basically the kinds of lines that I’ve always wanted to play but never figured out properly. So much of power in these lines is in the accents, the weight of the notes and the flow.
This seems obvious but for years the phrasing eluded me.
After listening to the etudes from another Chad LB release, 27 Blues Etudes, I realized that I enjoyed this sound the most.
In addition to this release, there are two others that are in this same series. Those are Modern Etudes: Melodic Cells & Melodic Cells – 64 Exercises For Building Ultimate Technique.
For me, these releases provide at least hours & months of practice material for the diligent jazz student. The most important aspect (as far as I’m concerned) are the recordings that accompany the PDFs.
So much of the sound of these lines rely on getting the right flow so I found myself practicing the phrases part by part to get it to feel like how Chad plays it on the saxophone.
If you like this kind of sound, I definitely recommend investing in this release.
Pros: Great phrases, lots of practice material. Backing track in all keys too!
Cons: None.
TLDR: If you want your lines to sound like this, get this now & start shedding.
Get your Treble Clef/guitar copy here: https://www.jazzlessonvideos.com/product-page/treble-clef-69-modern-phrases-melodic-cells
[Submissions for Review Consideration]
- Are you an author who wrote a jazz, guitar or music book?
- Have you created a DVD or an online video course or subscription based website?
- Would you like me to review your book/course?
Please send me a message at azsamad3 at gmail.com with:
For courses: a link to the course/video/product + access info etc.
For books: a link to the book (Dropbox) or PDF attachment (if it’s small) for review consideration.
Depending on whether I dig the book/course, I’ll let you know if I do plan to review it!
I cannot guarantee a review for every submission & if I’m not too into it, I may opt not to review it. I mean, it’s better to get a good review that for me to write a bad review just because it’s not a match for the kind of stuff I dig right? :p
NOTE: All reviews reflect my honest personal opinion so be aware that I will point out both cool Pros and Cons that I see in the work. You dig?