I remember performing around 16 years ago at University Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was an outdoor performance. I was playing my solo guitar arrangement of P. Ramlee’s Getaran Jiwa. Right in the middle of the piece, I drew a complete blank. I forgot what to play next. It felt like time stood still, kind of like that scene in X-Men: Days of Future Past or one of those Matrix scenes. Except, that I was completely down and out. Blank. I had no superpowers.
I did continue playing but I remember having moments like that. It’s something many musicians go through and the stage fright, the fear, the stress is what seasoned performers learn to deal with.
Do you get scared before a performance?
Does the thought of performing in front of people make you sweat?
This video lesson is me sharing with you the most important lessons that have helped me overcome stage fright over the years.
Learn about why performers (from newbies to experienced musicians) get stage fright. Find out how you can cope better and overcome this common fear. Although this lesson was intended for musicians, other performers or public speakers may find some of the points useful.
If you’re not sure whether to watch the whole video, check out the presentation below first for an overview. However, for the most benefit, watch the video! =)
Want to download the notes as a PDF file? Click below for the file. =)
[PDF] Stage Fright 101 – azsamadlessons
Hope you found this blog post helpful. Please share this post if you think others who may find this info helpful for them.
Now, I’d love to hear from you.
Do you remember the last time you experienced stage fright?
Do you have a way that helped you overcome this fear?
Leave your answer in the comments below. Remember to share as much detail as possible so that we can all learn from one another. Your insight may help another guitarist someone from across the world.
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Best wishes,
i remembered the first time i had stage fright, it was during my first ever theatre show where i had to dress up as a kampung guy and had to be a main character only to get beaten up by british’s soldiers, and all of that happened on my school’s assembly point, there was so many students watching me as i didnt nail my lip-sync line but meh i didnt care, it was the factor i was able to push through every pressure that theatre had to offer to me, and now im moving to an another bidang, which is singing and playing guitar infront of other people, which is on 19th of January. ( the first theatre show was for merdeka and my teacher wanted me to become a main character for this skit at school because i looked malay )