Part of a Facebook Live Lesson session, decided to record it on my camera in addition to the live broadcast.
The original FB Live video is here (low-res):
Thanks to Adam Joseph for the question on using chromatic harmony that led to this explanation.
Diatonic Triads in C Major:
C Dmin Emin F G Amin Bdim C
Diatonic 7th chords (4-part chords) in C Major:
Cmaj7 Dmin7 Emin7 Fmaj7 G7 Amin7 Bmin7(b5) Cmaj7
Passing Diminished Chords
CMaj7 C#dim7 Dmin7
Dmin7 D#dim7 Emin7
Fmaj7 F#dim7 G7
G7 G#dim7 Amin7
Amin7 A#dim7 Bmin7(b5)
Bmin7(b5) Bbdim7 Amin7
Amin7 Abdim7 G7
G7 Gbdim7 Fmaj7
Emin7 Ebdim7 Dmin7
Dmin7 Dbdim7 Cmaj7
Here’s a handout that you can download & print out to further cement these sounds:
Download the PDF here:
Passing Diminished Chords for Jazz Guitar PDF
[UPDATE April 7 2017]
Shoutout to @mhaziqka on twitter for trying out these ideas in his playing!
@azsamad hello sir. Ni result nya, saya cuba masukkan diminished
— – (@mhaziqka) April 6, 2017