TLDR: This is a directory. If you’re a musician, please submit your music to the reviewers & websites listed here directly.
Are you a Malaysian musician or musician based in Malaysia?
Have you released music (singles, albums, EPs) or perform your own music?
Well you’re in the right place.
I wrote a tweet and asked 4 questions:
Do you write reviews of local Malaysian music? (singles, albums, EPs, shows, concerts)
If you do, please reply to this tweet with:
1) Your name
2) Website link
3) Styles of music covered
4) Contact info
I would love to FEATURE YOU on a blog post to help more people find you!
I did this because I found that:
1) It was hard to find critical reviews of music albums and singles for Malaysian music, especially beyond the mainstream
2) Musicians could benefit from a resource like this blog post
So I did it & here’s the post you’re reading now.
For artists, I hope this will help get your music out to more audiences.
For reviewers, I hope this will help connect you to even more interesting music being recorded & released.
An unsolicited word of advice:
Please write clearly & politely to these websites & reviewers. What they do can help you get your music to more people. In return, courtesy and professional messages are often the best way to create a good impression (and increase the chance of your music getting reviewed.
All the best! 🙂
1) Name of Reviewer : Junklist @junklistMY
2) Website: http://junklist.tumblr.com
3) Styles of music covered: alternative/indie/pop
4) Contact info : junklistmy at gmail.con
Awful Track Record’s Nota Nada
This site has a review series called Nota Nada.
1) Name of Reviewer: Zim Ahmadi
2) Website: http://awfultrackrecord.com
3) Styles of music covered: No genre bias, bringing in music from all over the world
4) Contact info: awfultrackrecord at gmail.com
Longan Garage
1) Name of Reviewer: Syahir Miswan
2) Website:www.longangarage.com/blog
3) Styles of music covered: pelbagai jenis genre
4) Contact info: 0147314047
Kevin Adrian Theseira
1) Name of Reviewer: Kevin Adrian Theseira (Malaysian Music Reviews )
2) Website:https://www.facebook.com/malaysianmusicreviews/
3) Styles of music covered: independent, original, singer songwriter.
4) Contact info: same as 2)
Genie Wong
1) Name of Reviewer:Genie Wong
2) Website:www.geniewong.com
3) Styles of music covered: independent, original, singer songwriter.
4) Contact info: 0168338889
James Yusof
1) Name of Reviewer: James Yusof
2) Website:https://www.youtube.com/user/JiaWenERO96 (no website only a youtube channel)
3) Styles of music covered: Anything ranging from rock to metal. Orchestral music. Pop music.
4) Contact info: Neroshreds at gmail.com
1) Name: Lokalternatif
2) Website: https://lokalternatif.com/
3) Styles of music covered: All kind of local art/music style
4) Contact Info: https://twitter.com/bara_sigur
Bypass Online
1) Name of Reviewer: Bypass Online @bypass_online
2) Website: https://instagram.com/bypass_online?igshid=1eqzcoonzw1e8 …
3) Styles of music covered : all genre
4) Contact info : +60128703916 bypassonlinemy[at]gmail[dot]com We do artists, videos, songs and events review.
The Aksara Commune
1) Name of Reviewer: Karim Abdullah
2) Website: https://theaksaracommune.wordpress.com/
3) Styles of music covered: random
4) Contact info: theaksaracommune at gmail.com / @TAC_Fanzine
Malaya Roll
1) Name of Reviewer: Malaya Roll
2) Website: http://instagram.com/malayaroll
3) Styles of music covered : anything
4) Contact info: malayaroll.official at gmail.com
Muzik Kita
1) Name of Reviewer: Muzik Kita
2) Website: http://muzikkita.com
3) Styles of music covered: Pop & Everything in Between
3) Contact info: muzikkitamalaysia at gmail.com
“Review” untuk current music, “Retrospektif” utk muzik2 terdahulu Tq
Music Bliss
1) Name of Reviewer: Aaron Sta Maria
2) Website:https://www.musicbliss.com.my/blogs/news
3) Styles of music covered: Anything. Everything is worth a shot.
4) adam.musicbliss@gmail.com
Bawah Tanah Rasmi
1) Name of Reviewer: Zhafirin
2) Website:http://Bawahtanahrasmi.blogspot.com
3) Styles of music covered: Semua genre
4) Bawahtanahrasmi@gmail.com
NOTE: If you write music reviews for Malaysian music & would like to be added to this post, please e-mail me or DM me on Twitter here.
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