This is the third volume in Hristo Vitchev’s exploration of Pat Metheny’s guitar style. If you’d like to read the reviews for the first two books, click here and here.
My first impressions when studying this book is that, just like the first volume, the video is the core material that helps you understand what Hristo is teaching. The video tutorial is 33 minute and 13 seconds, and demonstrates each of the Triadic Methenyism examples in the book. Just like the first book, Hristo has included the exact articulation & picking for each phrase.
Hristo also explains how each of the phrase relates to the triad (or triads) that are outlined or embellished. It’s really interesting to see how simple triads can be so ornate with the various chromatic approaches. Also, a huge part of the Metheny sound is not just the note choices but the velocity & fluidity that he plays these kinds of melodies. Hearing Hristo play the phrases at full tempo also helped me hear what to aim for when playing these phrases.
Although I’ve been listening to Pat Metheny for years, I haven’t actually transcribed much of his more chromatic phrases. Studying the phrases & examples from Hristo are helpful and I love that he systematically transposes each idea so that you can master it across the entire fretboard.
The accompanying backing track is excellent as well, definitely giving you the Metheny vibe so that you can bring out your inner Metheny.
All in all, this book & video set is a welcome addition to this series. Personally I recommend studying the books systematically, one volume at a time to get the most benefit from what Hristo teaches. Between the first three volumes, this one presents the most challenging phrases I’ve tried. These are serious technical workouts especially if you haven’t played as legato as this (or if you’re like me and you’re playing the phrases on a steel string acoustic guitar).
Pros: Great phrases, organized teaching approach and lots to practice.
Cons: None.
TLDR: If you enjoy Pat Metheny’s melodic language, this is worth getting, especially if you’ve worked on the materials in the previous two volumes.
How to Buy:
You can get the book & video here: https://gum.co/cvTVd
Thank you Hristo for the complimentary review copy.
And here are the links to all of Hristo’s related products in this series:
Hristo’s main website: http://www.modernjazzguitarbooks.com/
Get the Book (TAB and standard notation + HD Tutorial Video + Two backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/VXwiF
VOLUME 2: CHROMATIC METHENYISMS ii-V7-I Application (Chromatic Melodic Ornamentation in the Style of Pat Metheny)
Get the Book (TAB and standard notation + HD Tutorial Video + backing track) here: https://gum.co/KrzHB
Get the Book (TAB and standard notation + HD Tutorial Video + backing track) here: https://gum.co/cvTVd
VOLUME 4: CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Pentatonics Uncompromised)
Get the Book (TAB and standard notation + HD Tutorial Video + backing track) here: https://gum.co/FYCLQ
CHROMATUDE #1: (Solar) – Chromatic Methenyisms Technical Studies: melodic/chordal
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/GUesG
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Lines You’ve Heard #1) – Short Melodic Phrase Example (FREE DOWNLOAD)
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/IxGVV
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Lines You’ve Heard #2) – Short Melodic Phrase Example (James by P. Metheny)
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/LkMQd
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Lines You’ve Heard #3) – Short Melodic Phrase Example – Minor Blues in “D”
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/JAGZo
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Arpeggios ala Matini)
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/AKbvDa
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Arpeggios ala Matini) Volume 2
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/NkMyL
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Arpeggios ala Matini) 2516 Illustrations
FREE DOWNLOAD – Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video/Audio + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/yppyt
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS – Wild Triad Quilts (3 Ornamentation Techniques)
Get the Study / Video Masterclass (TAB and standard notation + 30 mins. HD Video Masterclass + backing track) here: https://gum.co/lhcwx
DIATONIC METHENYISMS (Volume 1) – Diatonic Melodic Ornamentation in the Style of Pat Metheny – Video Masterclass
Get the Book / Video Masterclass (TAB and standard notation + backing tracks + HD Video Masterclass) here: https://gum.co/uhgkp
DIATONIC METHENYISMS (Methenycise #1 – C minor blues)
Get the Study (TAB and standard notation + HD Video + backing tracks) here: https://gum.co/jmmtf
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